ACEC Florida connects engineers from all disciplines across the Sunshine State. Members have the opportunity for growth and professional development by working with professionals in a number of issue-specific committees. Be involved in a leading way, click here to join an ACEC Florida committee.

The Committee helps align the needs and goals of the Airports and Seaports in Florida while assuring meaningful opportunities for our members throughout the state, committee reaches across disciplines to represent engineering firms that offer a wide variety of services to airports and seaports. The committee is responsible for strengthening the relationships with airport and seaport operators, organizations, and governmental agencies to affect the positive growth of the industry within the state.

The Buildings Committee was envisioned to represent member firms in all areas related to vertical structures and bring together all engineering disciplines that are integral to the design and construction management of high rises and vertical structures. The committee is to encourage the participation of all disciplines including Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection. The Committee is leading the effort to identify local and state policies that impact the consulting community and is communicating with various organizations, including FES, FSEA, ASCE/SEI, and ASHRAE, on issues affecting building designers in private practice.

Members of the Committee were responsible for assembling, the Surfside Working Group, a coalition of engineers and building professionals, and issued the “Florida Building Professional Recommendations”.

Committee members can also join ACEC National’s Coalition of American Structural Engineers (CASE) develop guidelines and contracts that outline best practices, along with extensive risk management tools designed to keep liability in check.

The Commission on Legislative & Government Relations is responsible for drafting and seeking introduction of and developing support for the passage of legislation or the adoption of rules that impact the health, safety, and welfare of the public or affect the engineering profession.

The purpose of the commission is to provide the Florida Engineering Society and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida with maximum participation in and proper coordination of its legislative and government relations program.

The commission will be composed of the FES President, ACEC Florida President, seven (7) FES Vice Presidents or their designee, seven (7) ACEC Florida Regional Directors or their designee, an At-Large Chair, and up to two (2) At-Large Members as necessary to fill critical informational gaps, as needed.

Committee membership is by invitation only.

The Joint ACEC Florida/FES Energy Committee communicates with ACEC Florida membership on energy issues that affect their businesses. The committee studies and reports on Energy-related policy issues that have an impact on the consulting community.

Initially, the committee approached energy as a whole; but it has evolved to include the utility industry which focuses on the generation, transmission, and distribution, and the building industry which deals with energy efficiency and renewable energy. The growth of the committee also led to establishing a subcommittee to liaison with the Florida Office of Energy.

The Geotechnical and Materials Engineers Committee (GMEC) is to advocate for the practice of engineering in the geosciences and in the construction materials testing profession. As such, it will provide a continuing professional forum to advance the practice of geotechnical engineers and materials testing laboratories in the State of Florida by focusing cooperative efforts on the conditions affecting their practices.

GMEC members are employed by ACEC Florida member firms that provide engineering laboratory services and practice geotechnical engineering.

Committee members can also join ACEC National’s Geoprofessional Coalition (GEO) which represents the unique needs of firms that offer geoprofessional services. The goal is to strengthen the business environment and image of the geoprofessional industry with clients, agencies, and other engineering. The Coalition works with other industry associations, and acts as an advocate for members firms, addressing the issues influencing geoprofessional consulting.

Committee membership is by invitation only.

The committee represents the unique needs of firms that offer public and private land development, site, and civil-related engineering services. The committee promotes and strengthens the business environment for land development engineers with clients, agencies, and other professionals. The committee is to identify local and state policies that impact the consulting community. The committee is collaborating with various organizations including the Association of Florida Community Developers (AFCD), the Building Industry Association (BIA), the Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF), and the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Committee members can also join ACEC National’s Land Development Coalition (LDC). The LDC provides an opportunity to connect with other land development professionals, share best business practices, and improve their management expertise as well as increasing business efficiency and overall profitability.

The Member Services Committee is responsible for membership development, recruitment, retention, member benefits, and the Affinity Program.

The Public Relations Committee is responsible for award programs, facilitates scholarship nominations and provides oversight for member publications.

The Risk Management Committee assists member companies and others in understanding and managing risk and, on their behalf, advocating changes in regulation to properly control or allocate risk.

American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida Risk Management Committee has published white papers on “Higher than Standard” Standard of Care and “Indemnification to Public Clients”. The committee will be working on additional topics in the coming year.

The Transportation Committee is the largest and most active group in ACEC Florida and is responsible for implementing transportation-related activities and programs of interest to ACEC Florida members. The Transportation Committee maintains various subcommittees namely, Liaison, Production, DBE/SBE, CEI, Alternative Contracting, Specification Review, PD&E and Planning, Expressway, Structures with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).

The Planning Committee is made up of ACEC Florida members who plan the Transportation Conference agenda and invite speakers for a program that is attended by public and private sector professional engineers, planners, FDOT policymakers, and consultants whose practice areas involve transportation.

The Water Resources Committee is a representative of Florida’s privately practicing engineers who work with water resource agencies to establish and maintain a model program of public/private partnership for the enhancement of procurement, delivery, and quality of water resources engineering services. Subcommittees include water management districts and the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Utility Liaison Subcommittee would be established to provide an effective means of communication between ACEC and Utility providers on matters of mutual interest and provide a forum for discussion of policy issues that have an impact on the consulting community.