Innovative Solutions for Environmental and Earth Sciences

Engineers are the invisible force driving innovation and solutions for the challenges we face in the state of Florida every day. They are planners, designers and problem solvers whose expertise improves the quality of life for us all. From recycling and solid waste to material engineering – engineers are behind the everyday and the extraordinary.

ACEC Florida brings together a diverse group of engineering leaders who represent, promote and advocate for environmental and earth science issues in Florida. ACEC Florida is leading the way and supporting innovative solutions to create a healthy ecology for the Sunshine State.

The Geotechnical and Materials Engineers Committee (GMEC) is an independent practice section under the American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL). ACEC-FL is associated with the Florida Engineering Society on the state level as a designated practice section for engineers in private practice. ACEC-FL is also associated with the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) on a national level.

The purpose of GMEC is to advocate for the practice of engineering in the geosciences and in the construction materials testing profession. As such, it will provide a continuing professional forum to advance the practice of geotechnical engineers and materials testing laboratories in the State of Florida by focusing cooperative efforts on the conditions affecting their practices.

If you are in the geosciences or the construction materials testing profession, visit Committee Opportunities to make this committee part of your business plan.