Be Involved in Leading the Way

Engineers are the invisible force driving innovation and solutions for the challenges we face in the state of Florida every day. They are planners, designers and problem solvers whose expertise improves the quality of life for us all. Our lives seamlessly transition from one engineering feat to another as we go about our day. It’s possible to turn on the lights, start the car and get on a plane because of engineers. Engineers are making daily life possible by working with government and the private sector to enhance the way we experience the world.

Engineers create innovative projects that fortify the State’s economy as well as enhance and ensure Floridians’ quality of life.

  • Environmental Protection supports healthy ecologies.
  • Mobility using automated people movers, trains, roads and bridges safely move people and goods.
  • Traffic Management and Control provides safety and efficient movement.
  • Building Structures designed to withstand hurricanes and floods. Structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems designed to support each building’s occupants.
  • Land Planning and Development of raw land into construction ready housing, commercial, or industrial building sites.
  • Geotechnical Engineering investigates subsurface and geologic conditions used to design and build foundations, earth structures, and pavement sub-grades.
  • Power from electrical substations provides energy to power buildings and street lighting for safety and aesthetics.
  • Local and Regional Drainage Systems prevent flooding during stormwater events and treat water before it re-enters the environment.
  • Airports connect people and goods from around the world.
  • Utility Infrastructure for clean drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment, and electrical, telecommunications, and digital systems.

By working together, we can help prepare Florida’s infrastructure for smart growth and development. Learn more about how you can join thousands of engineers who are working to bring the extraordinary to the everyday lives of Floridians.

Be Involved in Leading the Way

Join thousands of engineers who are working to bring the extraordinary to the
everyday lives of Floridians.

Add your name today to find out how you can get involved.