About Amanda Hudson

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So far Amanda Hudson has created 18 blog entries.

House phosphogypsum reuse bill clears final committee

2025-01-13T20:11:39+00:00April 18th, 2023|

In The News: Archives House phosphogypsum reuse bill clears final committee By Wes Wolfe – Florida Politics The EPA banned use of phosphogypsum in 1989. A controversial proposal to look into using phosphogypsum as a road-building material is on its way to consideration by the full

Feb. 19-25 is Engineers Week

2025-01-13T20:14:29+00:00February 10th, 2023|

In The News: Archives Feb. 19-25 is Engineers Week By Katrina Elsken, Published February 9, 2023 Lake Okeechobee News OKEECHOBEE -The Okeechobee County Board of Commissioners have proclaimed the week of Feb. 19-25 as Engineers Week. Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in

DEP: Progress being made on surface water discharge, reuse

2025-01-13T20:19:12+00:00January 25th, 2023|

In The News: Archives DEP: Progress being made on surface water discharge, reuse Wes Wolfe of Florida Politics Implementation of 2021’s SB 64 is an effort in progress, but Michael Lynch, Director of Water Resource Management for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), wouldn’t give the work a

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