How we watch bills:
- Resources (examples below)
- Florida House of Representatives Website
- Florida Senate Website
- LobbyTools Software
- News sources/articles and social media
- Florida House of Representatives printing office
- Florida Senate printing office
- With Key Words (examples below)
- Florida Building Codes
- Expressway Authority
- Infrastructure
- With Statute Alerts (examples below)
- Chapter 471 Engineering
- 287.057 Procurement of Commodities or Contractual Services
- Section 471.007 Board of Professional Engineers
- Section 471.0195 Florida Building Code Training for Engineers
- Amendments (examples below)
- Amendments to bills that open certain statutes
- Bills used as vehicles for amendments
What we do when key alerts are triggered:
- Read the bill/amendment
- Alert appropriate committees
- Monitor bill/amendment
- Get a second opinion (seasoned lobbyist/attorney)
- Meet with the bill sponsor, stakeholders, and staff
- Develop a strategy to support, amend or “kill” an adverse bill/amendment
How a bill becomes a law:
- Bill is filed by the sponsor (Representative/Senator) during the bill filing period
- Leadership (House Speaker/Senate President) assigns the bill to one or more committees for consideration
- If the bill passes through all assigned committees, the bill is voted on by full chambers (House and Senate)
- If the bill clears both chambers, the bill is sent to Governor and either signed into law or vetoed
- If the bill is not vetoed by Governor, it will become law on the bill’s “effective date”
When we send out reports:
- As soon as possible if the bill, or amendment to a bill, is of immediate concern
- At the end of the committee/session week
- After all passing bills have been either approved/vetoed by Governor
Where to find more information:
- Florida House of Representatives Website: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/default.aspx
- Florida Senate Website: https://www.flsenate.gov/
- News sources, social media, and Google
- Request a physical copy from the State Legislative Library